I am a poet, graphic artist and psychotherapist.
Not necessarily in that order.
My graphic life began in the early nineties working in publishing as a children’s book designer. Over time, I was fortunate to have an Art Director who sent me on metal letterpress course, with the designer and typographer Alan Kitchen. Handling individually carved fonts, I learnt to fully appreciate type as an aesthetic and fell in love with typography.
I found my inner poet, somewhere in the mists of 1998, writing morning pages for the The Artists Way. I didn’t know the poems were there until I read back. They were rudimentary but they were definitely bones of poems. A couple of years later I had a daughter (2000) and in my newfound position of endless nights in… started to play with the type.
I retrained as a therapist in my late thirties, gathering in seeds that had been sown along the way; from working in community and the range of personal development that has stalked much of my life – including reading Carlos Castaneda in my teens, to traveling, to shamanism, to personal therapy. I am fascinated in the human condition and our relationship to meaning making and life purpose.
Landing in my fifties I felt it was time to ‘do’ something with my poetry – like share it! Launching the website opened me up to the world of spoken word and enjoying poetry (literally) on another platform.